Create a personal voicemail message
create a personal voicemail message for your colleagues. In this video we show you how.
create a personal voicemail message for your colleagues. In this video we show you how.
Need to get in touch with someone but not sure if they’re free? In this video, we’ll show you how to find out if someone
Avoid the embarrassing tech fails at the beginning of Teams calls by setting up your camera and microphone before the call. Watch this, do it
When sharing your screen during a Teams call, you want to be sure you’re not showing anything confidential or embarrassing. We’ll show you how to
Every time you hit Enter in a Teams chat, you send a separate short message, which isn’t great for getting you full point across. In
You’re on a Teams call and you’re talking, but no one can hear you. It’s happened to us all. In this video, we’ll show you
We love Microsoft Teams, but sometimes it’s quicker to share your thoughts via email. In this video, we’ll show you how to send an email
If you’re finding it difficult to get your work done due to constant interruptions, then you need the Teams equivalent of a closed door. Here’s
The messaging facility in Teams is great, but it can break your concentration and flow. In this video, we show you a different way to
How many Teams calls are interrupted by random noises? This really simple shortcut shows how to quickly mute your mic, so your co-workers don’t have
Everyone needs time to work free from interruptions. But what if your boss is trying to contact you? This video shows you how to use
Shortcuts are great, but only if you know about them. Use this handy tip to see all Teams shortcuts in one place. It’ll change the
Remote working is great, but you can still miss that ‘together’ feeling when you’re on a Teams call. Here’s how to make it look like
Got a video call but your room isn’t appropriate for work? Did you know you can blur your background or change it entirely in Teams?
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